Category News

No Stars for the Michelin Guide SF

As I just posted, I’m really busy working on a new start-up so I’ll keep my comments brief. The French Laundry received the only 3 star rating from Michelin in it’s inaugural SF guide, compared to 4 restaurants in New…

California Primary Information

Since I wasn’t sure if I’d be in town for the election, I opted for an absentee ballot for this June’s California Primary. While making my decisions, I was quite underwhelmed by the lack of aggregated information about the candidates.…

Global Dimming

I just watching Nova, Dimming the Sun while having my breakfast. The program is about global dimming which is: …a term describing the gradual reduction in the amount of global hemispherical irradiance (or total solar irradiance) at the Earth’s surface…

Results not typical

It seems that quite a few commercials have the disclaimer, “Results not typical.” While I’m not a fan of big government and over-regulation, it seems that something ought to be done about deceptive advertising. Isn’t it time we force advertisers…

Discouraging people to vote

Lately I’ve been getting a barrage of spam from various political groups trying to get a proposition passed/rejected for California’s November special election. I’ve even gotten those damn recorded voice messages on my cellphone! Now I understand the point but…


Sadly, Comcast cable keeps messing with my channel lineup. As a result, I no longer receive one of my favorite programs, Journal de France (the news in French). It’s really great to get different perspectives on the news from around…