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On my FC5 boxes, the recent update to the 2.6.16-1.2107 kernel seems to have broken a few things. The most noticeable is X forwarding. I can’t open an X app. on this box from a remote machine (neither another FC5 machine nor my XP box with Exceed). A quick downgrade to 2.6.16-1.2096 fixes things. I haven’t done much poking around to see specifically what the problem is, but I wanted to get the word out if you’re having similar problems.
You remembered correctly, I was Social Psych. at Tufts. I’m a self taught geek and have been taking things apart and hacking at things since I was little. I’ve lead quite a diverse life. I worked in Human Services for a number of years back in the 90s. I was an HIV counselor at The Cambridge Hospital. It was an incredibly rewarding but difficult job. I then worked on a couple of my own technology projects in the late 90s but things didn’t work out (and I really needed a change of scenery). I moved out to San Francisco in 2000 and worked as a Product Manager and Sales Engineer in the Wireless space.
After a while, I knew I needed to get back to my entrepreneurial roots (and not work for someone). As such for the past couple of years, I’ve been in startup mode again. I launched, a restaurant review site about a year ago. I love food and wine, so it is more passion than business.
I’m also working on a couple of projects that are in stealth mode right now. I’ll keep you posted as we get ready to launch. So I’m glued to my computer most of the time spec’ing and coding, but the rest of the time I spend dreaming about food.
OK, this is stupid but… holy crap you’re a geek too? I suspect somewhere in the back of my head I knew that, perhaps you mentioned you were CS at Tufts? But no, ISTR you were psych like me. Still, small world it seems. I’m curious, if you don’t mind my asking, what do you “do”?